cuckoo for rococo

Remember when I posted about Marie Antoinette as a style inspiration? It was way back in March, but I'm still crazy for the baroque/rococo look! I found a new set of photos and fell in love all over again.

I'm not 100% sure about the event these photos are from, since the blog is (understandably) mostly in French, but it appears to be the "Carnival of Versailles" and is incredibly gorgeous. I'm totally digging the play of the over-the-top decadence of the dresses, wigs, and makeup with the sleek glimpses of modern technology. The past and the present meet in such a delicious way:

I know it's hard to believe, but I just picked my very favorites. The full set of photos is here, and well worth viewing. The last photo of course reminds me of this one from the Marie Antoinette film set:

I'm still cuckoo for rococo, though it's admittedly a more difficult style to work into my every day life. Vintage/mid-century style is popular enough right now that it doesn't seem too strange to get a little 50s/60s drag on, but a powdered wig isn't exactly the height of today's fashion world! Still, I find inspiration in the feel of decadence, and I think I'd like looking like a marvelous frothy dessert. More accessories, prettier accessories, and maybe (just maybe), I'll figure out a way to stick some birds into my hair!

How would you work the baroque in every day style? Be inspired by the feeling, work a few pieces into an otherwise modern ensemble, or just go for (wait for it) baroque? (I couldn't help myself!)

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