fashionably artistic: claire

Today I have another lovely illustration to share! The first one came from my friend and roomie Sparrow, and now I have a piece from the no-less lovely Claire, who also happens to live with me. (Here's a tip: living with artists means free blog labor! But don't tell them that...)

Now, Claire isn't a fashionista like some of us, but she still includes plenty of great details. I love the scoop back of the top (I have a top that cuts down like that, and it never fails to make me feel deliciously dramatic), and the little puffs at the elbows! And, of course, the full skirt. If I had to pick one fashion element that I loved best, I think I would pick a nice full skirt. A good crinoline has been hovering at the top of my "To Get" list for longer than I can remember. There are very few things, in my opinion, that couldn't be made more fabulous with more poof!

But fabulosity aside, I like that this lady is doing something (playing a very long disappearing piano, as far as I see). Fashion doesn't necessarily have to be objectifying; Claire and I are both very interested in positive portrayals of women in every genre/medium, and I know she took that into account when making this piece for me.

You can see more of Claire's work on her blog, and please don't be shy to submit anything! Send it on over to

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